Feed-in remuneration at cost

Since 2018, a new system has applied to support for the production of renewable energies. Among the new features are a modified feed-in remuneration with obligations for direct marketing, investment contributions and a market premium for large-scale hydropower. A network surcharge of 2.3 cents/kWh is levied as financial support. Further information can be found on the SFOE website.

Pronovo AG, a subsidiary of Swissgrid, has been responsible for implementing the support measures since 2018. Pronovo AG may issue decisions, particularly with regard to feed-in remuneration under both the previous and new law, and to the option of one-time remuneration for photovoltaic systems. Appeals against these decisions can be lodged with Pronovo AG within 30 days and subsequently with the Federal Administrative Court. ElCom is therefore not responsible for the assessment of any decisions issued by Pronovo AG from 2018 onwards.
