The Networks and Europe section is responsible for formulating the technical basis for decisions and for representing the interests of Switzerland within international regulatory bodies. A central task is to monitor the security of supply.
Michael Bhend, Dipl. Ing. ETH, deputy managing director, Head of Networks and Europe
Stefan Arent, Dr. rer. pol.
Raffaele Bornatico, Dr. Ing. ETH
Markus Howald, El. Ing. HTL / industrial engineer STV-PHW
Mathieu Meier, lic. éco. pol.
Nadine Mounir, B. A. (HSG) Economics / M. Sc. Sustainable Development
Björn Rothe, Dipl. Ing (FH), BEng (Hons)
Thomas Uehlinger, lic. iur. HSG et Dipl. El. Ing. HTL
Oliver Zehnder, Dr. sc. ETH